General Settings

General START-PROF settings are adjusted in this dialog window

General Settings



Number of  UNDO steps

The number of actions that can be undone and redone. More operational memory is required for a large number of steps. It is recommended to set the number of UNDO steps to zero while working with very huge models. In this case the UNDO functionality will be disabled and program will work much faster.

Use OpenGL emulation

If checked, 3D emulation is used. If not checked, video adapted 3D hardware acceleration is used. Emulation should be used if there are problem with 3D view. However, keep in mind that it runs slower

Create backup of project files

If checked, two backup version are created every time: analysis_name.bak0 and analysis_name.bak.

The first file is created when loading a project and is its copy. The second bak file contains input and output data before the last save.

Files created at the folder, that is defined in General Settings > Paths to Files > Temp Files

Add Time stamp

If checked, then START-PROF create backup copies with date and time stamp "~20-05-09(14-50).bak"

Files created at the folder, that is defined in General Settings > Paths to Files > Temp Files

Interface style

User interface display style

Panel docking mode

Floating window docking mode

Always show full menu

Always show full START-PROF menus (not just commonly used functions)

Input data file actions before analysis

Actions before starting analysis


When turned on, a backup file copy is created at regular intervals, for example every 10 minutes. Interval is specified in settings.
The file is saved to the folder specified in the Settings > Paths to Files > Temp Files. The file name is generated automatically, for example AECDEEEEA85247c3941E4E16375DF808.<name of your file>.ctp. After successful shut down of START-PROF this temporary file is deleted

In case of "Same as data file" option selected, but file was never saved, then copy is saved to

C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Temp\D5F756EDD5594dd88622F52E5FF84E73.CTAPT1.ctp

Rotation type

Model rotation type in  3D view. "Spherical" - standard rotation type using in all START-PROF versions up to 4.62. "Cylindrical" - rotation done always around the vertical axis, where the Z axis is always vertical.

User Interface



Display nodes, node names, element names in output documents

Display nodes and node names when printing or exporting to Word

Delete incorrect solution results

If automatic solution check has found any problems - the analysis results will be deleted

Maximum number of rows in Error and Warning window

If number is set to 0, then number or messages in Error and Warning window is unlimited. It is recommended to set this value to 50-100 while working with very huge models. It will make the program work much faster

Maximum number of rows in Database

By default in database tables only 100 rows are shown. You can change this value

Pipe and Fitting Database Filter

Filter of databases. For example if you choose "ASME", you will see only ASME pipes and fittings in database

Default PUR insulation jacket code for new project

Choose the default manufacturer of pre-insulated pipes. You can change this option in project settings for any project

The accuracy of selection of Diameter

The accuracy of selection of diameter from pipe and fitting databases

The accuracy of selection of Thickness

The accuracy of selection of thickness from pipe and fitting databases

Zero projections for the new pipes

When you add a new pipe element the projections DX,DY,DZ is taken from previous pipe. If you want is to be zeroes, switch on this option

Show of multiple modes in results output

"Show all modes" check box will be switched on by default




User Interface Language

Language of the user interface (START-PROF restart required)

Language of Output Documents

Language of output documents: MS Word export, text file, hypertext file, etc.

Paths to Files



Database file paths

Paths to database files

Materials: material database

Springs: Variable Spring database

Soils: Soil database

Expansion Joints: Expansion joint database

Insulation: Insulation database

Constant load restraint: Constant spring database

Fittings: Pipe and Fitting database

Map Files: Files with settings for PCF and CAESAR II converters

Templates: Path to the folder with template files for the new MS Word report generator

Temporary files

Folder where temporary START-PROF files will be saved. The folder must be open for reading and editing.

You can select a specific folder, or choose one of the three standard options:

  • Same as data file. Temporary files will be saved in the same folder as START-PROF analysis file ctp

  • Local user folder. To open the folder select Menu Start > Run > "%localappdata%\CTAPT"

  • All users folder. To open the folder select Menu Start > Run > "%programdata%\CTAPT"

Menu Access

Service > Settings