Custom Tee

Related Topics

1 - rigid element, 2 - tee header with user specified wall thickness,

3 - pipe connected to tee header with different wall thickness





Element name. If checked then it shown in 3D view

Get properties from matching pipe

Get properties from matching pipe

Calculate weight automatically

If selected, reducer weight is calculated automatically as torus volume with wall thickness equal to that of adjoining pipes


Material from materials database


Bend weight (with flanges) without insulation and product. Set according to standards without taking into account the overload factor. Product and insulation weight with corresponding overload factors are calculated automatically based on adjoining pipes

Longitudinal Weld Joint Efficiency Factor, E

Longitudinal weld joint efficiency factor, E. More...

Manufacturing technology

For ASME B31.1, ASME B31.3, DL/T 5366-2014 seamless pipe will always use Wl=1.0. For electric-welded pipe Wl will be specified from database. More...

When using  GOST 32388-2013, pipe physical properties are taken from different materials databases depending on pipe type (seamless/welded).

Header wall thickness, tn

Header wall thickness. START-PROF use this wall thickness to calculate Z

Header and branch SIF

io - out-plane, ii - in-plane, it - torsion, ia - axial stress intensification factors

Header and branch flexibility factors

ko - out-plane, ki - in-plane, kt - torsion, ka - axial stress flexibility factors. Zero flexibility means that connection is rigid.

START-PROF create the custom expansion joints on the branch and header pipes with these flexibilities:

Refresh SIF and k using FEA

See Integration with Nozzle-FEM


See Integration with Nozzle-FEM



1 - rigid rod

This is the tee object model that you see in START-PROF:

And this is the real tee model, that is used inside the software. The header and branch pipes have a different wall thickness than the connected pipes. The special flexible springs are added to model the header (2) or branch (1) flexibility if ASME B31J is used. The rigid element always used to remove the "dummy" flexibility of the branch element (3)

Toolbar Access

To insert an element, select the desired node and use the menu option: Insert > Tee > Custom Tee

To view properties of an existing element: