Read about START-PROF pipe stress analysis software
See video: GRP / GRE / FRP Piping Stress Analysis Tutorial using PASS/START-PROF Pipe Stress Analysis Software
GRP / GRE / FRP piping analysis is performed by ISO 14692 code.
The main differences of GRP / GRE / FRP piping to steel piping is:
The material is orthotropic. The stress values in axial as well as hoop direction need to be considered during analysis. Mechanical properties needed for analysis is differ from steel piping: Ea - Elasticity modulus in axial direction, Eh - Elasticity modulus in hoop direction, G - Shear modulus, vh/a - Poisson ratio hoop/axial, va/h - Poisson ratio axial/hoop. See material database for more details. Material properties is different for each vendor, so please ask manufacturer for values needed for stress analysis in database
Linear expansion for GRP / GRE / FRP piping is much greater than for steel piping. Pressure elongation is significant (Bourdon effect), and thermal expansion is also great. Due to uneven heating of pipe wall thickness, the real thermal expansion is lower than thermal expansion for full temperature range. To consider this piping behavior thermal expansion is multiplied by temperature range factor that is usually considered as 0.85. See more details in additional pipe properties.
Long-term failure envelope
is used instead of single allowable stress. See material
database for more details. Allowable stresses depends on
load type factor f2, temperature factor A1, chemical resistance factor
A2, fatigue factor A3. Different envelope is used for pipes and fittings.
See code stress for more details
Liner tL and Topcoat tc thickness are used to calculate reinforced wall thickness tr=t-tL-tc and mean diameter Dr=D-2*tc-tr