PASS/NOZZLE-FEM 3.5. Program Manual

5.8.4. JB 4732-1995

The maximum shear stress theory (Tresca criterion) is used to calculate equivalent stress [p. 4.1, 7]:

$$ \displaystyle\sigma_e = \max\left\{|\sigma_1-\sigma_2|; |\sigma_1-\sigma_3|; |\sigma_2-\sigma_3|\right\}, $$

where σ1, σ2, σ3 - the principal stress at the considered point. Allowable design stress intensity

The allowable stress $S_m$ is used for assessment general membrane stresses $P_m$ [Tab. 5-1, 7].

Except the bolt materials, the design stress intensity $S_m$ of general steels shall be the minimum of the following values [p. 3.6.5, 7]:

a) 1/2.6 of the lower limit value of the standard tensile strength under the normal temperature;

b) 1/1.5 of the yield strength $R_{eL}$ ($R_{p0.2}$) under the normal temperature;

c) 1/1.5 of the yield strength $R^t_{eL}$ ($R^t_{p0.2}$) under the design temperature.

As for the components made of austenitic stainless steels, according to the application parts, 90% of the yield strength $R^t_{p0.2}$ under the design temperature may be adopted for the components for which slight permanent deformation is allowable, but the design stress intensity must not exceed 1/1.5 of the yield strength $R_{p0.2}$ under the normal temperature. This requirement is not applicable to the flange or other components for which slight deformation will cause leakage or fault. Allowable local primary membrane plus bending stress

The allowable stress $S_{PL}$ is used for assessment local primary stresses $P_L$ or $P_L+P_b$ [Tab. 5-1, 7]. This limit value is calculated as follows:

$$ S_{PL} = 1.5 K S_m, $$

where $K$ - load combination factor for occassional loads given in table 3-3 [7]. Allowable secondary stress

The allowable stress SPS is used for assessment secondary stresses $P_L+P_b+Q$ [Tab. 5-1, 7]. This limit value is calculated as follows:

$$ S_{PS} = 3S_m. $$ Allowable stress for hydraulic testing

The general membrane stress $P_m$ is assess as follows [p. 3.7.1, 7]:

$$ P_m \le 0.9 R_e. $$

where $R_e$ - yield strength $R_{el} (R_{p0.2})$ at the normal temperature.

The local primary membrane stress plus bending stress $P_m+P_b$ is assess as follows [p. 3.7.1, 7]:

$$ P_m+P_b \le \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1.35 R_e, & P_m \le R_e/1.5, \\ 2.15 R_e-1.2 P_m, & R_e/1.5 \lt P_m \le 0.9 R_e. \end{array} \right. $$

Other allowable stresses and strength assessment are provided in according to ASME BPVC VIII.2 [4].



PASS/NOZZLE-FEM 3.5. Program Manual

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