PASS/NOZZLE-FEM 3.5. Program Manual

5.8.3. EN 13445-3

EN 13445-3 allows to determine equivalent stress in two ways: the maximum shear stress theory (Tresca criterion) and the maximum distortion energy yield criterion (Mises criterion). PASS/NOZZLE-FEM uses von Mises equivalent stress given by eq. (C.4.1-3) [6]: $$ \displaystyle\sigma_e = \frac{\displaystyle 1}{\displaystyle \sqrt{2}} \sqrt{(\sigma_1-\sigma_2)^2+(\sigma_1-\sigma_3)^2+(\sigma_2-\sigma_3)^2}, $$

where σ1, σ2, σ3 - the principal stress at the considered point. Allowable nominal stress

The allowable nominal stress $f$ is used for assessment general membrane stresses $P_m$ (tab. C-3 [6]). The allowable nominal stress is defined as per table 6-1 [6] that shown in table 5.12 below.

Table 5.12. Maximum allowable nominal stress
Steel designation Normal operating loadcases Testing loadcases
Steels other than austenitic,
A < 30%%
$\displaystyle f_d = \min\left\{\frac{R_{p0,2/T}}{1.5}; \frac{R_{m/20}}{2.4}\right\}$ $\displaystyle f_{test} = \frac{R_{p0,2/T_{test}}}{1.05}$
Austenitic steels,
30%% ≤ A < 35%%
$\displaystyle f_d = \frac{R_{p1.0/T}}{1.5}$ $\displaystyle f_{test} = \frac{R_{p1,0/T_{test}}}{1.05}$
Austenitic steels,
A ≥ 35%%
$\displaystyle f_d = \max\left\{\frac{R_{p1.0/T}}{1.5}; \min\left(\frac{R_{p1.0/T}}{1.2}; \frac{R_{m/T}}{3.0}\right)\right\}$ $\displaystyle f_{test} = \max\left\{\frac{R_{p1.0/T_{test}}}{1.05}; \frac{R_{m/T_{test}}}{2.0}\right\}$
Cast steels $\displaystyle f_d = \min\left\{\frac{R_{p0.2/T}}{1.9}; \frac{R_{m/20}}{3.0}\right\}$ $\displaystyle f_{test} = \frac{R_{p0.2/T_{test}}}{1.33}$

Nomenclature for this table 5.12 is as follows:

A = minimum rupture elongation.
Rp0.2/T = 0.2% proof strength at temperature T.
Rp1.0/T = 1.0% proof strength at temperature T.
Rm/20 = tensile strength at temperature 20°‘.
Rm/T = tensile strength at temperature T. Assessments for design and operating loads

The PASS/NOZZLE-FEM performs stress analysis of all loadcases based on user loadcases. The table 5.13 summarizes the assessments that based on table C-3 [6].

Table 5.13. Assessment criteria
Loadcase Assessment Description
$WGT$ N/A Only weight (dead) loads.
For design and operating loads.
It is only used to calculate range stress.
$T$ N/A For operating loads. It is only used to calculate thermal stress for allowable loads.
$P+P_s$ $P_m \le f$ Only pressure and hydrostatic pressure. For design loads. It is only used to assess general membrane stressess. In nozzle junction is not considered in the case.
$P_L \le 1.5f$ It is only used to assess local membrane stressess.
$P_d+P_s+WGT$ $P_L+P_b \le 1.5f$ Pressure plus dead loads. For design and operating loads. It is only used to assess local primary stressess.
$max\left\{\sigma_1; \sigma_2; \sigma_3\right\} \le R_{p/T}$ For design loads. If suitable flag is enbaled then this checking is performed and for operating loads. Limitation of primary stresses in case of tri-axial state of stress to avoid brittle failure caused by the limited ductility.
$P+P_s+DSG$ $P_L+P_b \le 1.5f$ Design pressure plus design loads. It provides protection against plastic collapse.
$P_L+P_b+Q \le 3f$ If suitable flag is enbaled then this checking is performed and for design loads.
$P_L+P_b+Q \le 3f$ Operating pressure plus operating loads plus thermal strains. It provides protection against ratcheting.



PASS/NOZZLE-FEM 3.5. Program Manual

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