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PASS/NOZZLE-FEM 3.5. Program Manual |
1. | ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Part D. Properties. Section II, Materials - 2021. |
2. | ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels. Section III, Division 1 - Subsection NB, Class 1 Components - 2021. |
3. | ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels. Section VIII, Division 1 - 2021. |
4. | ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels. Section VIII, Division 2 - 2021. |
5. | ASME B31J-2017. Stress Intensification Factors (i-Factors), Flexibility Factors (k-Factors), and Their Determination for Metallic Piping Components. |
6. | EN 13445-3:2021. European Standard. Unfired pressure vessels - Part 3. |
7. | JB 4732-1995-EN. Steel Pressure Vessels - Design by Analysis. |
8. | WRC-107 Welding Research Council. Bulletin. "Local Stresses in Spherical and Cylindrical Shells due to External Loadings". 1979. |
9. | WRC-297 Welding Research Council. Bulletin. "Local Stresses in Cylindrical Shells due to External Loadings on Nozzles - Supplement to WRC Bulletin №107". 1987. |
10. | WRC-368 Welding Reserch Council. Bulletin. "Stresses in Intersecting Cylinders subjected to Pressure". 1991. -32 p. |
11. | WRC-537 Welding Research Council. Bulletin. "Precision Equations and Enhanced diagrams for Local Stresses in Spherical and Cylindrical Shells due to External Loadings for implementation of WRC Bulletin 107". 2013. |
12. | GOST 34233.1-2017. Vessels and apparatuses. Standards and methods of strength calculation. General requirements. |
13. | GOST 34233.2-2017. Vessels and apparatuses. Standards and methods of strength calculation. Calculation of cylindrical and conical shells, dished and flat bottoms and covers. |
14. | GOST 34233.3-2017. Vessels and apparatuses. Standards and methods of strength calculation. Reinforcement of openings in shells and heads under internal and external pressure. Strength calculation of shells and heads under external static loads on the nozzle. |
15. | GOST 34233.6-2017. Vessels and apparatuses. Standards and methods of strength calculation. Strength calculation under low-cyclic loads. |
16. | GOST 34233.10-2017. Vessels and apparatuses. Standards and methods of strength calculation. Vessels and apparatuses operating in hydrogen sulphide environments. |
17. | PNAE G-7-002-86. Standards of strength calculation for equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants. -M.: Energoatomizdat, 1989. |
18. | BS-5500: 1976 Specification for Unfired fusion welded pressure vessels. British Standards Institution. |
19. | Bildy, Les M., 2000, "A Proposed Method for Finding Stress and Allowable Pressure in Cylinders with Radial Nozzles," PVP Vol. 399, ASME, New York, NY, pp. 77-82. |
20. | STO-SA-03-002-2009. Rules for design, fabrication and assembly of vertical cylindrical steel tanks for oils storage. Standard of "Rostekhexpertiza" Expert Association of technogenic hazardous facilities. |
21. | GOST 34347-2017. Steel welded vessels and apparatuses. General specifications. |
22. | Zienkiewicz, O. C., The Finite Element Method. London: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1977. |
23. | George, A., Liu, J., The Numerical Solution of big sparse system of equations. M: Mir- 1984. |
24. | George, A., Liu, J. W.-H., The Evolution of the Minimum Degree Ordering Algorithm, SIAM Rev.31, 1-19 (March 1989). |
25. | Bednar, Henry H. Pressure Vessel Design Handbook. Second Edition, 1986. |
26. | Fricke, W. Recommended Hot-Spot Analysis Procedure for Structural Details of Ships and FPSOs Based on Round-Robin FE Analysis [Electron. resource] / W. Fricke // Int'1 J. of Offshore and Polar Engineering. - 2002. - Vol. 12, No. 1. - CD-R. |
27. | Maddox, C. J. Hot-Spot Stress Design Curves for Fatigue Assessment of Welded Structures [Electron. resource] / C. J. Maddox // Int'l J. of Offshore and Polar Engineering. - 2002. - Vol. 12, No 2. - CD-R. |
28. | Nazari, A. Application of the Hot Spot Stress Method to the Fatigue Assessment of Hollow Section Shiploader Boom Connections [Electron. resource] / A. Nazari, J. Durack // Proc. of 5th Australasian Congr. on Appl. Mechanics ACAM- 2007. - Brisbane, 2007. - CD-R. |
29. | Bard, W. T. Fatigue Assessment of Aluminum Ship Details by Hot-Spot Stress Approach [Text] / W. T. Bard, W. Xiaozhi, B. Stig // ABS Technical Papers, 2007. - P. 255-271. |
30. | PASS/START-PROF. Pipe Stress Analysis Software. Program Manual [Electron resource]. |
PASS/NOZZLE-FEM 3.5. Program Manual
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