PASS/NOZZLE-FEM 3.5. Program Manual

5.8.5. GOST 34233.1-2017

To assess the static strength of the junction of the vessel component, the maximum values are used:

reduced local membrane stresses from pressure σmp;
reduced total (local membrane + local bending + total temperature + com-pensation) stresses against combined action of pressure and external loads σb.

For taking into consideration external loads on the local membrane stresses a supplementary criteria for local membrane stresses against combined action of pressure and external loads σml is introduced.

Reduced stress values are defined by maximum shear stress criterion for two-dimensional stress state:

$$ \sigma_{eqv} = \max{ \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \frac{\textstyle 1}{\textstyle 2}\left|\sigma_\theta+\sigma_x\pm\sqrt{(\sigma_\theta-\sigma_x)^2+4\tau^2_{\theta{x}}}\right|, \\ \sqrt{(\sigma_\theta-\sigma_x)^2+4\tau^2_{\theta{x}}} \end{array} \right\} }. $$ (5.20)

Assessment for reduced local membrane stresses against combined action of pressure and external loads as per [12]:

\[ \sigma_{ml} \le 1.5 [\sigma], \] (5.21)

where $[\sigma]$ - membrane allowable stress [12].

Assessment for total reduced stresses against combined action of internal pressure and external loads as per [12]:

$$ \sigma_{b} \le 3[\sigma]. $$ (5.22)

If design temperature is above 380°N for carbon steel, above 420°N for low alloyed steel, above 525°N for austenitic steel, it is necessary to take into consid-eration material creep, when assigning values for allowable stresses.

Also, using the FEM, strength analysis of conical reducers and heads are performed in accordance with p. 3.2.9.a GOST 34347-2017 [21].



PASS/NOZZLE-FEM 3.5. Program Manual

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