PASS/NOZZLE-FEM 3.5. Program Manual

5.9.5. Calculation of nozzle joined to spherical shell

In the course of branch pipe calculation relative nondimensional forces and moments are used, which have been obtained as the result of spherical shell calculation. Stress calculation from $F_R$ force

Circumferential membrane stresses of $F_R$ force:

$$ \sigma_{m\theta}(F_R) = n_{\theta F} \frac{F_R}{(s-c)^2}, $$ (5.97)

where $n_{\theta F}$ is assigned as per [9].

Circumferential bending stresses in the branch pipe from $F_R$ force in comparison with the membrane ones are considerably lower, so they are neglected.

Axial membrane stresses of $F_R$ force:

$$ \sigma_{ma}(F_R) = \frac{F_R}{A}, $$ (5.98)

where $A=\frac{\displaystyle\pi \left((d+2s_1)^2-(d+2c_s)^2\right)}{\displaystyle 4}$ - design cross-sectional area of the nozzle.

Axial bending stresses of $F_R$ force for all design points:

$$ \sigma_{ba}(F_R) = \left(6m_{RF}-3n_{RF}\right) \frac{F_R}{(s_1-c_s)^2}, $$ (5.99)

where $m_{RF}$ and $n_{RF}$ is assigned as per [9]. Circumferential of stresses from bending moment $M_{1(2)}$

Circumferential membrane stresses in design points 1-4 from the moment $M_2$ and points 5-8 from the moment $M_2$:

$$ \sigma_{m\theta}(M) = n_{\theta M} \frac{M}{(s-c)^2(d+2s_1)}, $$ (5.100)

where $n_{\theta M}$ is assigned as per [9].

Circumferential bending stresses of $M_{1(2)}$ moment in comparison with the membrane ones are considerably lower, so they are neglected.

Axial membrane stresses in design points 1-4 from the moment $M_1$ and points 5-8 from the moment $M_2$:

$$ \sigma_{ma}(M) = \frac{M}{W_s}, $$ (5.101)

where $W_s=\frac{\displaystyle\pi\left((d+2s_1)^4-(d+2c_s)^4\right)}{\displaystyle 32(d+2s_1)}$ - design resisting moment of the nozzle cross section bending.

Axial bending stresses in design points 1-4 from the moment $M_1$ and points 5-8 from the moment $M_2$:

$$ \sigma_{ba}(M) = \left(6m_{RM}-3n_{RM}\right) \frac{M}{(s_1-c_s)^2(d+2s_1)}, $$ (5.102)

where $m_{RM}$ and $n_{RM}$ is assigned as per [9]. Calculation of stresses from torsional moment $M_T$

Due to the torsional moment shearing stresses are created in the junction between nozzle and shell:

$$ \tau_{\theta x} = \frac{M_T}{2\pi r^2_0 (s_1-c_s)}. $$ (5.103) Calculation of stresses from shear forces $F_1$ and $F_2$

Forces $F_1$ in points 5-8 and $F_2$ in points 1-4 create shear membrane stresses:

$$ \tau_{x\theta} = \frac{F_{1(2)}}{\pi r_0 (s-c)}. $$ (5.104) Calculation of stresses from internal pressure

As in the case of the spherical shell, local membrane stresses from internal pressure are calculated depending on stress intensification factor (SIF), obtained for cross section of the shell $I_{\theta p} = I_{xp}$.

Circumferential stress from internal pressure in all design points:

$$ \sigma_{\theta p} = p I_{\theta p} \frac{D+(s+s_2-c)}{4(s+s_2-c)}. $$ (5.105)

If a design ratio is $I_{\theta p} < 1$, then for calculation of circumferential stresses in all branch connection design points the stress intensification factor (SIF) is to be substituted by $0.5(1+I_{\theta p})$, which shall be included in the (5.105) equation.

Axial stress from internal pressure in all design points is calculated by equation (%ref(equ_wrc_22)%). Stress calculation under arbitrary complex loading

In general, all the external loads applied to the nozzle can be distributed by three directions, i.e. can be shown as simultaneously acting forces $F_R$, $F_1$, $F_2$ and moments $M_1$, $M_2$, $M_t$. After calculation of stresses from effective forces and pressure, total stresses in design points (1-8) are calculated with taking into consideration of signs (table 5.18).

In the presence of corrosive hydrogen sulphide environment, a supplementary calculation of tensile stresses on the nozzle inside surfaces is made (2, 4, 6, 8 points):

$$ \sigma_{1in} = \max{\left\{ \frac{1}{2} \left( \sigma_{\theta}+\sigma_a+\sqrt{(\sigma_{\theta}-\sigma_a)^2+4\tau^2_{\theta a}} \right); 0 \right\}}. $$ (5.106)
Table 5.18. Local stresses (taking into account the signs) of the nozzle in branch connection design points loaded by the internal pressure and external loads as per WRC 107(297)
Circumferential stresses, $\sigma_{\theta}$ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Membrane from $F_R$ - - - - - - - -
Membrane from $M_1$         - - + +
Membrane from $M_2$ - - + +        
Circumferential stresses from pressure $\sigma_{\theta p}$ + + + + + + + +
Total circumferential membrane stresses $\sigma_{m\theta}$                
Total circumferential stresses $\sigma_{\theta}$                
Axial stresses, $\sigma_a$ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Membrane from $F_R$ - - - - - - - -
Bending from $F_R$ - + - + - + - +
Membrane from $M_1$         - - + +
Bending from $M_1$         - + + -
Membrane from $M_2$ - - + +        
Bending from $M_2$ - + + -        
Axial stresses from pressure $\sigma_{ap}$ + + + + + + + +
Total membrane axial stresses $\sigma_{ma}$                
Total axial stresses $\sigma_{a}$                
Shearing stresses from $M_t$ + + + + + + + +
Shearing stresses from $F_1$         - - + +
Shearing stresses from $F_2$ + + - -        
Total shearing stresses $\tau_{\theta a}$                
Reduced total stresses $\sigma_{eqv}$                
Tensile stresses on the shell inside surface $\sigma_{1in}$                



PASS/NOZZLE-FEM 3.5. Program Manual

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