PASS/NOZZLE-FEM 3.5. Program Manual

4.1. Initial data

Nozzle name: Nozzle
Shell type: Conical transition
Nozzle type: Cylindrical shell
Shell material: St3
Shell wall thickness, s: 20 mm
Total allowance for shell wall thickness, c: 4 mm
Nozzle material: St3
Nozzle inner diameter, d: 300 mm
Nozzle wall thickness, s1: 12 mm
Total allowance for nozzle wall
thickness (including corrosion), cs:
2 mm
Nozzle length, l1: 300 mm
Shell length, L: 2000 mm
Shell inner, upper diameter, D1: 1200 mm
Shell inner, lower diameter, D2: 800 mm
Nozzle offset, Ln: 1200 mm
Nozzle rotation angle, θ: 0°
Nozzle tilt angle, γ: 45°
Nozzle deflection angle, ω: 15°
Shell diameter in the junction point, Dk: 1040 mm
Coupling radius, r: 38 mm
Toroidal insertion material: St3
Toroidal insertion width, l2: 200 mm
Toroidal insertion thickness, s*: 32 mm
Minimum weld size, Δ1: 10 mm
Minimum weld size, Δ2: 10 mm
Welds strength factors:
Nozzle (branch) longitudinal weld φl 1
Shell (main pipe) weld in branch connection area φs 1


Conditions of loading:


Design temperature, T: 100°C
Design internal overpressure, p: 0.8 MPa


Loads on the nozzle in coordinates associated with shell orientation (global CS):



Fx, kN Fy, kN Fz, kN Mx, kN·m My, kN·m Mz, kN·m
12,25 14,70 29,50 6,4 6,7 3,1



PASS/NOZZLE-FEM 3.5. Program Manual

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