PASS/NOZZLE-FEM 3.5. Program Manual

3.8.6. Conical reducer

Table 3.9 shows key features of the base element (shell).

Table 3.9
Fig. 3.34. Conical reducer: LCS and fixing conditions
Feature Description
Reference points:

A: shell start;

B: shell end;

Local shell coordinate system (LCS):

Axis X: shell transverse axis;

Axis Y: shell transverse axis;

angle θ of nozzle insertion is taken from this axis toward axis X;

Axis Z: shell longitudinal axis.

Orientation in WCS:

All axis can be horizontal and vertical according to the shell options:

Shell constraints (dof):

For strength analysis (fig. 3.34):

Point A.

When calculating allowable loads, stiffnesses and stress intensification factors for a nozzle (fig. 3.35):

Points A, B.

Fig. 3.35. Constraints for special calculations
Shell loads:

Inner overpressure.

Outer pressure.

Hydrostatic pressure.

Thermal strains.

Concentrated loads to free end (B) for strength analysis (fig. 3.36):

Fig. 3.36. Runhead pipe loads
Special calculations:

Allowable loads for end B (fig. 3.37).

Stiffness and flexibility factors for end B (fig. 3.37).

Stress intensification factors (fig. 3.37).

Fig. 3.37. Conical reducer loads for special calculations
Additional segments:

Specifies the offset of point B relative to point A (in the plane of the local X and Y axes).

Defining taper by the wall slope angle or the second diameter.

The base element also allows to specify: cylindrical legs at the start and at the end, reinforcing parameters of ends.



PASS/NOZZLE-FEM 3.5. Program Manual

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